Welcome to your family hub

Children and Families Newcastle is here for you and your family. Look around the website, or pop into a family hub to find out what's on offer near you.
Early Years

Pregnancy and early years

Give your child the best Start for Life. Find out what support is available while you are pregnant and once your baby is here. Find groups, activities, and childcare options near you. Learn how to support your child as they learn and grow.

School age children

School age children

Find information and support for families with school age young people things like; activities and events for young people, advice about staying safe online, mental health and more. 


Newcastle Youth Image

Newcastle Youth

Support available locally for young people. This includes training and education options, health and wellbeing, and more.

We are working with young people to develop this page. Thanks for your understanding.

SEND Local Offer

For children and young people from birth to 25 years olds. A Local Offer gives children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and their families information about what support services the local authority think will be available in their local area.



Find out about our Local Offer
Families Relationships and Parenting Image

Families, relationships and parenting

Whether you’re a first-time carer, or a practised parent, Newcastle is bursting with activities and support. 

Childcare combined image


Childcare is changing and more children will get some free hours. Visit our childcare pages to find out what you are eligible for and what the childcare options are in your area.


Event and activities

What's on

See what's happening near you. We have lots of free or low cost things to do from dancing to Lego club. You will also find Newcastle Best Holiday Ever, our holiday activity and food offer.  


Supporting you

Information and support with;

  • Your health and wellbeing
  • Support with money and finances
  • and more
Find out how we can help

Start for Life Parenting Support Line

Our start for life parenting support line is here for you Monday to Friday, 9am to 4.30pm. Our friendly family partners can answer lots of different parenting questions you might have from pregnancy to age two. Feeling low, struggling with sleep, trouble with tantrums? Give us a call. 

0191 2788494

Page last updated January 22nd 2025
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