About Children and Families Newcastle
What is Children and Families Newcastle?
Children and Families Newcastle brings services together so they can support children and families to get the help that they want and need. Children and families can access different services and activities in buildings they know in their local area. We want to make sure children, young people and families only have to tell their story once, and get the support they need, when they need it.
What is a Family Hub?
There are Family Hubs across the city. Each hub has different things on that you can do, depending on what local families want and need. This could include;
- Baby and toddler groups
- Youth groups
- Training opportunities
- Childcare
- Employability services
- Children’s therapies
- Mental health support
- Health visiting
- Community midwifery

What is a Family Partner
A family partner is someone who works with families helping them to understand what support is available to them. They work closely with families and build trusting relationships. They liaise with support services and connect families into local activities and opportunities.
What is a Family Practitioner
A family practitioner is someone who works with families and often deliver group work sessions. If you want some advice, or you are worried about something, you can talk to any of the team and they will work to get you the support you need.
What is the Community Family Offer
The Community Family Offer is the local groups and services you can access for yourself and your family in a friendly safe space near where you live.
Information on our site
Every effort is made to gather and update information about services that are important to families in Newcastle. This means we need to link to other organisations who offer services across our city. When we make these links we can not always be sure the information will remain relevant as we can not control any changes made. If something doesn't look right or you think something is missing please let us by emailing CFNwebsite@newcastle.gov.uk.
Information for Adults
InformationNOW is the information website for adults living and working in Newcastle. Helping you stay informed, make choices, plan ahead, be independent and have an excellent quality of life. You can find local information, organisations, events and activities.