Parent carer panel

Our parent carer panel is currently recruiting! Join us to have your say on services for children and families in Newcastle.

Email or call 0191 265 6158 to find out more. 

Parents discussing issues
I wanted to join the panel to really make a difference. Being a mum is the most important job but sometimes quite lonely. Being a panel member means I can get involved and discuss with other panel members what is really needed.
- Kate, parent carer panel member
As a parent myself I have enjoyed the opportunity coming into the role as a parent & carer panel support worker because getting the views of other parents and carers has always helped me in parenthood.

I believe the views of the parents and carers are vital to the growth of the children’s services in Newcastle Upon Tyne.
- Lauren, North East Action for Children Parents and Inclusion

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Parent Carer Panel

A parent carer panel is a group of parents and carers who come together regularly to discuss issues that affect families across the city. 

Who can join the Parent Carer Panel?

We would like to invite those with responsibility for a child under 2 to join the panel.  This includes parents, carers, grandparents, kinship carers and parents expecting a baby. If your child is over two, but you would like to join the panel please get in touch.

Where will the panel meet?

The panel will meet regularly, at least once every two months. Meetings could be face to face or online depending on the availability of panel members. Ideally meetings would take place at one of the Family Hubs across the city. 

What will panel members need to do?

The panel will meet regularly, at least once every two months. Meetings could be face to face or online depending on the availability of panel members. Panel members will be asked for their feedback on different services and their ideas for improvement. The panel will have an opportunity to learn more about the offer for children and families in Newcastle. This includes support for parents, breastfeeding, perinatal mental health and more. 

Why are you setting up a panel?

The panel will be told about our investment plans, and asked for their opinions. This allows us to work together to design services to improve the lives of children and families across the city. 

What will I get for joining the panel?

We want to support with what you need to be on the panel such as travel expenses, or childcare costs. We will ask the panel what incentives would be of interest to them, which could include training qualifications.

What next?

We would love you to join us. To find out more about the panel and when the next meeting is, email or call 0191 265 6158.

Page last updated February 21st 2024
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