Breadcrumbs Home School age children and young people Image Things to do If you looking for things to do for a children and young people then you are in the right place. Things to do Image Health and wellbeing Hit's and tip on staying healthy and happy. Health and wellbeing Image Applying for a school place If you child is not currently in the Newcastle School, you want to move schools or need to apply for a Middle school click here to find out more. Apply for a school place Image Family, relationships and parenting When you have a child, it can change your relationship. See what support is available near you. Healthy Relationships Image Childcare If you are looking for childcare outside of the school day or during school holidays you are in the right place. Childcare Image Staying safe online All you need to know about keeping your children safe in a digital world. Staying safe online Image Sleeping Read our top tips for sleep and find out about our sleep workshops for children and young people aged 1 to 19. Sleep Image Vaping If you don't smoke, don't start vaping. Find out more facts and the law on vaping and young people. Vaping Image Smoking Smoking is one of the biggest causes of death and illness in the UK. Find out more, including help to stop. Smoking SEND Local Offer Information, advice and support for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). SEND Local Offer