Evry Work Experience Week

Young people have told us that fair access to exciting and meaningful work experience matters to them.  This is fundamental to their future.  

Good quality work experience provides young people with the opportunity to explore possible career options.  It helps gain key skills and attain practical experiences for future applications and CVs.  

In July 2024, Evry Partners, including the Council, Stagecoach, NE1 and Newcastle United Foundation supported students with work experience placements. We worked with Jesmond Park Academy to offer 35 placements to young people who may otherwise miss out on work experience opportunities. A further 3 students from Newcastle 6 forms were also offered the opportunity to joined the placements. 

Two 6th form students on work experience

Work Experience Students.

I have enjoyed meeting new people in a work setting and being able to discuss my opinions surround topics that the Voice and Influence team shared with us. I found it great how we got to work with a variety of teams and got the opportunity to work on lots of different projects.

We think it is vitally important for young people to have the experience so that they are able to make informed decisions surrounding their plans for the future. Without the background knowledge, it makes young candidates unable to present their full potential in the role they are applying for. And after all the youth are the future, so if they can learn early on in life what is available and how they can respond to certain careers it will help them thrive. Offering work experience for young candidates won’t only benefit them, it will also benefit the career which you are hosting as it means the next generation are more likely to consider working in this field.
- Sky, Year 10 JPA, and Molly Year 12 St Mary’s

Page last updated September 5th 2024
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