Fitness and Leisure Offers

Fitness and Leisure offers for Children in Care and Care Leavers 

At Better venues, GLL offer free health and fitness memberships to care experienced young people aged 16-21.  This includes a reduced rate access to leisure activities for foster care families.

Young people told us having access to gym, swimming pool, and leisure facilities is important.  This improves their physical and mental health.  It creates opportunities to socialise and spend time with friends and family.

In July 2023, GLL announced a free 6-month health and fitness membership at GLL’s Better venues for 16-21-year-old care experienced young people. The membership offers access to gym, swimming and fitness classes at 4 venues in the city. 

Since the scheme launched, 65 young people have benefitted.  Passes have been used to book over 280 swimming and fitness class activities.

Also foster families can access reduced rates on trampolining, swimming and soft play activities at GLL’s Better leisure venues.

Photo at Better gym venue
“The gym pass is really good, I’ll be using it quite a bit. The gym memberships can help young people with mental health.”
- Jason, 20
“I’ve got a Better gym pass which is great. I’ve been using it to go swimming so far. I used to go swimming, but not much, now I go once or twice a week”
- Paige, 20
“GLL champions equal opportunities and community links in all aspects of the service. We are proud to build a partnership with Evry and support opportunities to access health and fitness facilities across Newcastle.
It will be a great opportunity for young adults to improve their physical and mental wellbeing and we hope the engagement through this partnership with young people in our communities is a great success.
We are delighted to extend our partnership with the EVRY project to offer leisure opportunities for foster families across Newcastle. We hope plenty of families enjoy these offers and make use of our leisure facilities.”
- Alison Westworth, Newcastle Partnership Manager at GLL

If you are a young person and would like to get involved, or a professional who would like to support the plan, please get in touch at 

Page last updated February 22nd 2024
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