Newcastle Youth
Hello and Welcome to the Newcastle Youth page.
Here at Newcastle Council we understand the importance of Youth Voice and we have lots of ways that you can get involved.
Why participate?
- Helps build self-esteem and confidence
- Participate in decision making that affects young people's lives
- Youth voice and ideas shape policies and service development for the better
- Empowers young people and helps build a sense of community
- Young people are the next generation and have a right to be listened to and taken seriously
- Take part in fun events, activities and rewards as a thank you for participating


Get Involved
Youth Council
- Representing the views of local young people to decision makers
- Campaigning on issues that are important to young people
- Members can be voted in to join the UK Youth Parliament
Participation Groups
- Participation groups for Children in Care and 16+ Care Leavers
- Monthly in person and online meetings
- The group represents care experienced young people
- Voices and ideas improve services and the future of other care experienced people
Interested? Get in touch at