Things to do - birth to two
Are you a new parent or caring for a young baby? Have a look at some groups taking place near you where you can get practical advice and learn new skills. It is also a good chance to meet other parents and carers with babies a similar age.
Health activities
Health visitor clinics offer a wide range of services for parents, including:
- weighing your baby
- getting support and advice from a health visitor
Some Clinics also offer parenting support, health checks, housing and more. Check out your local clinic for full details or call the Health Visiting Team on 0191 282 3319
Health visitor development checks
Come and see a community nursery nurse for a chat about your babies or toddlers development.
Developmental workshops are also available. The workshops are for things like weaning / starting solid food or toilet training.
You can contact the Health Visiting Team on 0191 282 3319.
Baby massage can offer a range of benefits to both mother and baby. It helps with bonding and is a relaxing time for both. This is a five week course for none mobile babies.
Sensory Baby is focused on supporting babies 0-12months with their all-round development.
Engage your child’s senses in this fun and interactive session.
Would you like to...
- Help your baby or toddler learn to talk?
- Get ideas for supporting communication?
- Receive free toddler books?
- Spend quality time with your child?
Then join us for First Words Together, sessions for under 2s and their parent/s and carer/s. Five week course exploring rhymes, stories and games with your child!
Are you new to the country or area? Come and join My Baby and Me Play Session which runs alongside the our baby clinic specifically designed for asylum seeking and refugee families.
Baby social sessions are welcoming and friendly groups for babies who are 0-12 months and not mobile yet. During the session you can explore early communication and sensory play. You can use treasure baskets, tummy time, lycra swings, bubbles & singing. It is also a chance to meet and chat with other parents and carers.
There are lots of baby groups to choose from in Newcastle NAPI support volunteer run group in all areas. For younger babies look out for group that say they have a baby area. All NAPI supported groups aim to be Mainstream Inclusive, if your baby has additional needs or you have any any questions about the groups contact NAPI on 0191 265 6158
Come along and get messy! We'll have gloop, paint, playdough and more.
Enjoy stories in a relaxed space and find out what the library has to offer. Listening to stories can help with early language development and develop a life-long love of books from an early age. You do not need to booked, please feel free to drop in.
Prefer online?
Visit In Our Place and enter the access code NEFAMILIES where you can complete courses including Understanding your baby for free. This group includes all the practical information and advice you might hope for from a traditional baby group, with the additional benefit of support around emotional and mental wellbeing for you and your baby.
Get started now