Become an Evry Partner


Thank you for your interest in supporting Evry. 


Evry is the city’s mission to ensure every baby, child and young person can feel 
-    Happy and Healthy 
-    Safe 
-    Ready for their next steps 

By getting involved you and your organisation will make a positive difference to the lives of children and young people in Newcastle.

Evry logo

You might want to get involved by contributing to our existing priorities:

Young people have told us that fair access to exciting and meaningful experiences of work matters to them.  

Join Evry Partners including Stagecoach, NE1, Newcastle United Foundation and DRS in offering 

  • School visits, visits to your organisation and/or Insight Days
  • A targeted work experience programme 

Young people have told us they need more support to feel emotionally well and able to respond well to change or stress.

Join Evry Partners including GLL, Streetwise and the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board, in offering 

  • More opportunities for young people to engage in activity that improves their emotional wellbeing, such as physical activity, spending time outside, and feeling heard.

Children and young people told us they want to be able to experience the fantastic places and activities that exist across the city, and that they should be affordable.

Join Evry Partners including Theatre Royal, Nexus, Urban Green, Newcastle United Foundation and IntheFields in offering 

  • New activities and events for young people 
  • Free or low cost tickets to events and activities 
  • Safe Spaces in Newcastle 

2024 Christmas Campaign 

Join Evry Partners including Newcastle College, Northumbria University, Ward Hadaway, Stagecoach and more in helping Christmas be a special time for more children and young people, by:

  • Contributing to the Christmas gift collection for a young person in need
  • Supporting the Christmas wrapping volunteer sessions 
  • Supporting more young people to access festive experiences and days out in the city. 

If you would like to find out more and get involved, please contact

Page last updated September 3rd 2024
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