Mental health during and after pregnancy

If you or someone else is in danger, call 999 or go to A&E now

If you need help urgently for your mental health, but it's not an emergency, get help from NHS 111 online or call 111 (people with hearing problems can use the NHS 111 British Sign Language (BSL) service)

Your mental health is as important as your physical health. You will not be wasting anyone's time.

Talk to your midwife, health visitor, or someone else you trust

Your midwife and your health visitor are there to support you with your emotional wellbeing. It can be normal to feel worried or have a low mood sometimes in pregnancy and after birth. 

Having a chat with your midwife or health visitor can help.  They can help you understand if your feelings are normal and manageable, or if some more support would help. 

Pregnancy in mind

Pregnancy in mind is a group for parents-to-be who are feeling anxious or depressed during pregnancy. It focuses on mindfulness, relaxation and coping strategies.

Little minds in mind

Becoming a parent or caregiver is often thought of as one of the happiest experiences of our lives.  We know the reality can be much more complicated and for some, can be overwhelming. 

If you are finding it hard to cope, you are not alone – it is OK to ask for help. Little Minds in Mind is a service for parents and caregivers who are having difficulties in their relationship.  This could be with their baby, during pregnancy or after their baby is born.


 Qwell is a free, safe and anonymous mental health and wellbeing service for adults. There are no waiting lists and no referrals. 

You can get community support in forums, use self help tools to track your mood and set goals.   Join the chat queue for online counselling from a qualified counsellor. 

Pregnancy loss and bereavement support

4Louis and Sands are charities offering support to bereaved families. Tommy's offer pregnancy and birth information in 100 languages including resources for dads and partners.  

Page last updated November 19th 2024
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